Sunday, January 2, 2011

Friday – December 31, 2010 – NEW YEARs EVE

We are spending the evening quietly. Dinner at Tripps first – I’m hankering for their shrimp dinner - and then a movie at home.  I’m finding that I’m more tired this week – could be all the activity, as well as the normal drama and emotions of the holidays. Spent this morning helping Rich put together his mission, and vision statement for his business.  We both like the vision statement but are struggling with the mission statement. I think we are close – at least we have all of the elements. We’ll pick it back up tomorrow morning and see if we can nail it down. I love the fact that he respects the kind of work I do and actually asks me to help him.  As a mother you always wonder if there is something with your kid(s) that will come back and bite you.  I know the relationship I had with my mother was not an easy one and shortly before she died I finally had the courage to have “the” conversation (at least from my perspective) with her. As an adult I understood some of the choices she made and why, but there will always be that 5, 10, or 15 year old inside me that will always have trouble with them.  I needed her to understand that.
I’ve asked Rich is there is one of those conversations waiting for us but he doesn’t seem to have one... at least so far. 

1 comment:

Pam said...

There are always at least one of those "amends" kind of conversations waiting for the right time.